
How to save time and money at your hotel?

Nowadays, it is important to manage expenses in the hospitality industry by implementing several methods. With varying levels of uncertainty, the hoteliers should concentrate on increase the profitability of post-pandemic conditions. Rising labor costs, propping expenses are a few of the biggest operating costs in the hotel that significantly impact your bottom line. Lack of a positive approach to controlling these expenses, your hotel will not generate the amount of profit that it should.

Do not schedule a fixed time for employees

You never want to create permanent schedules for hourly employees.      It leads either to be overstaffed or understaffed. When using a fixed schedule, it wastes profits.

Never set Minutes Per Room(MPR)standard for all room types 

 It should depend upon how long housekeepers take to clean every room type in your hotel. The MPR should be set based on cleaning types (normal room requires light clean and, checkout rooms which would require a deep clean).  

Provide proper training to employees

Trained staff will perform tasks outside of their day-to-day job functions. Staff with the necessary skills helps to handle other departments during any downtime they may have.

 Implementation of a labor-management system

It is one of the best methods that help hotels to control their labor costs. According to several surveys, a small hotel with 25 employees and a large hotel with 100 or more employees are considering as the best combination.

Switch to LED Lighting

By using the most energy-efficient and rapidly-developing lighting technology, it consumes energy more than others.

Exploit on the food and beverage Department

 It provides one of the main opportunities to save money. By noticing how much food you need helps to avoid wasting food.

Save on furniture and fixture                   

 It is necessary to maintain costly furniture properly. It leads to reduce maintenance costs.

By following these kinds of methods, small changes can be created big results at your hotel. It will save a lot of time and money and improves operational efficiency for your hotel.